Child Tax Credit
The following page is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not legal advice and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with our clinic. If you need help please Contact Us.
The Child Tax Credit is designed for families with children. If you have children who are 17 or younger, you likely qualify for the Child Tax Credit.
How Much Money?
You could get up to $2,000 for each qualifying child. Some of this money can even come back to you as a refund if you don’t owe much in taxes. If you don’t owe any money, you may get up to $1,600 added to your refund.
Who Can Get It?
If your children are under 17, and live with you for more than half the year, they likely qualify. They also need to be U.S. citizens or residents.
Who Counts as Your Child?
You may care or live with children who are not your biological children. You may still qualify for the child tax credit if the child falls into one of the below categories and lives with you for more than half the year:
Adopted Child
Younger sibling
Step sibling
A descendant of any of the above
How Can We Help?
If you get a notice from the IRS that says they took away your child tax credit, call us at 503-295-9499.